Saturday, September 3, 2011


When disaster strikes, people often ask themselves the wrong question, 'Why did this happen to me?” Or “What did I do to deserve this?" Instead, they should be asking themselves, "What can I do about this?"

It's only natural that, at first, to feel crushed and inadequate, and maybe a little resentful, too. Most people turn to family and friends for support, feeling that they can’t cope alone. But those feelings won't help you climb out of the gloom, and there is a limit to what other people can do for you, especially if you refuse to help yourself.

Pull yourself up every time you begin to think negatively – you are only attracting negative conditions into your experience. You will soon learn that life is neutral toward you, neither refusing you anything nor bringing anything to you without your consent, but always responding to your inward convictions when you definitely assume the leadership. Nature is abundant but it will never override your free choice in the matter. The secret to becoming master of your own destiny is through the power of positive thinking and correct imaging. It won’t work for you even if you are saying all the positive things under the sun unless you hold a picture of the desired outcome in your mind as well.

All of your beliefs go into creating your outer circumstances. And the adage: “As ye sow, so shall ye reap,” bears much pondering. Others also attract to themselves similar problems associated with their own inner thinking processes and experiences and wonder why their life is not working as they think it should.

If you can take a page out of the book of nature, and expect one thing to follow another in ordered fashion, you will take a different viewpoint to the one that has been entrenched within you and begin to relax and let things flow as they should. We do not see any delay in nature – night follows day, the stars come and go and the sun always rises and sets. Likewise with the seasonal changes – summer always follows spring and winter always follows autumn. Babies arrive on time, plants always sprout from seedlings and flowers always open up from buds. Everything flows in natural rhythmic cycles.

The solution lies within you, and you will find it by deliberately turning your mind inside and connecting with your Higher Self. You may receive information about some new venture, finding a new interest to absorb your time and energy, or it may have no immediate bearing on the problem that you're facing, and carry no instant healing for the wound. But what will be given will start the process and you will be given assistance in helping you look at what you might need to change before any progress can be made. Sometimes it will be a tremendous boost in building up your resistance, confidence and courage so that you can lift your energies to prepare you for the things ahead. Perhaps the loss has been financial or emotional, or maybe a mixture of both. The main bread-winner of the family loses his job; you find yourself suddenly single, faced with the trauma and distress of divorce, or bereft of the companion who loved and supported you; your children leave home. One way or another, your supports seem to have been knocked from under you, similar to an injured man having his crutches kicked out from under him.

Under these circumstances, of course you're entitled to sit down and shed a few tears, to turn to friends for sympathy. But one day you must pick yourself up, and set about making a fresh start. You won’t know for sure how it will turn out. You can only be certain that you'll never know unless you make the effort to move forward. But as is so often the case when people are forced to make a change, it turns out to be the best thing that could have happened, and they are far happier than they could ever have anticipated in their darkest moments.

I've known many people who have coped with just such threats to happiness as I have mentioned above and found, to their own surprise, that they have emerged into a different kind of sunshine and have taken a different life path.

Should an unforeseen blow happen when you're younger and more vigorous, find some project, or some opportunity to join like-minded people in some common aim, to do something where you can contribute and where you will fulfill some need. If you have spent your life caring and comforting and guiding others, being deprived of the opportunity to do this often hurts the most, yet the need can be fulfilled in other ways, outside the home.

The first step is to think about what talents you have and how you can put them to good use or what time you have to give. Every charity in the land needs willing, voluntary workers, and anyone who undertakes this sort of work will tell you that the rewards far exceed the effort. There may be some national project that interests you, such as preserving wild life, or assisting in greening the local area. Or closer to home, your practical skills could make you invaluable backstage at a dramatic society.

Of course, no one really expects you to forget completely your worries, nor ignore any grief you have suffered. But the important thing is never to allow yourself to come to a full stop. Life is a flowing current, and you must keep up with it, helping it to run more smoothly by reason of your own special qualities, gifts, personality, and spiritual wisdom.

The Higher Self sees no obstructions. You are of its nature, and do not need to encounter unnecessary obstructions. Begin expecting something good to happen during the course of the day – and learn to look for it; it might not happen immediately because of your mental conditioning or grief, but if you learn to think in this manner, you will begin attract into your life the things that are yours by divine right and so fulfill your destiny.

From Personality to Soul Infused Personality

When you were created, you were given unique qualities in the configuration that only you have. Many others may have similar qualities, but they will be different to yours. You came down onto the earth plane to express and develop certain of these qualities for your journey in this particular lifetime. If you don’t know what qualities you have, look at your talents, what you are good at, what you like doing, or what you would like to do if you had the opportunity. Success in life is much more than economic gains, titles, and degrees. Planning for success is about mapping out all the aspects of your life and forming a chart that you refer to, to keep you on track. Similar to taking a journey anywhere on earth, you need to define some details for yourself.

A map has a starting point so we will start from where you are right now. When you are asked to introduce yourself you would normally state your name, maybe your age if you are a young person, and what you do. But this doesn’t tell people who you are; it only tells them what your present occupation is. To gain insights about yourself, you need to look closely at your beliefs, values, and principles aside from your economic, professional and cultural status. Moreover, you can also reflect on your experiences to give you insights on your good and not-so-good traits, skills, knowledge, strengths, and weaknesses. These insights can only be gained through a process of introspection. People are different – and they respond to different situations in different ways. Personality Analysis using the four elements of fire, air, water and earth, relating to the four fixed signs of the Zodiac and the four holy creatures in Ezekiel’s vision, give excellent insight into the personality you have chosen to work with this incarnation.

Your vision relates to what sort of a person you want to be. This is why it is important to know your temperament and the qualities of the temperaments so that you can have a clearer idea of who you want to be and the traits you want to change into the opposite polarity, whether they are attitudes, habits, or points of view. If you hardly know yourself, then your vision and targets for the future would also be unclear. Your destination or what you want to do should cover all the aspects of your being: the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. If you are following a spiritual path, you probably will want to be in the field of service to humanity. You can be of service simply by doing the right thing every day, white washing yourself of an evening and clearing any negative energy from your auric field.

Your mission is the means by which you can reach your destination. It is really your vocation in life. To some extent, your mission depends on what you know about yourself and the talents you have inherited so that you can make the wisest judgment in your choice of service. Many people during this time want to work in the alternative health field or in some aspect dealing with “saving the planet.”

Your knowledge, skills, and attitude towards people and life all play a part in determining if you need a professional degree or some other qualification to help you achieve your vocation. This will determine your competence and help you in attaining your vision. Given such, there is a need for you to assess what knowledge, skills, and attitudes you have at present and what you will need to gain along the way. This assessment will give you insights on your measures of success. If you have constantly tuned into your Higher Self and asked for guidance, you will find doorways opening for you to achieve whatever you have listed as needing. In planning out your life chart, you also need to have certain landmarks and a route. These landmarks will indicate your measures of success along the way. These measures must be specific, able to be accomplished, realistic, and within a certain time frame. Thus you cannot set two major landmarks such as earning a degree in science and studying for an art degree in the same time period. You need to choose which one is of the highest priority for your main function in life, even though both might be appropriate for the type of work you wish to do.

Your life chart was organized before you came down into incarnation with the help of the Council of Twelve and your guides and mentors. If you are successful at making contact with your Higher Self, you will usually be able to map out your life chart quite successfully and fulfill your function while you are here on the earth plane. If you are walking a spiritual path, when you have fulfilled your function, you will usually be called home. You may elect to study the Ancient Wisdom before you incarnate again.

The purpose of trying to create your life chart is to minimize hasty and spur-of-the-moment decisions that can make you lose your way. But ofttimes your plans may be modified along the way due to delays, and other situations beyond our control. Like in any path, you may encounter turns, detours, and potholes and thus you must anticipate them and adjust accordingly. Delays and other situations can often be karmic so it is no use complaining or wishing it were different. Instead, put all of your energy into making it the best life that you can.

The Birth of a New Age

When someone passes through the veil, it leaves people still on the earth plane miserable and unhappy; and we have to ask, why is this so? Chiefly because it separates us from those we love. The only other reason why death brings grief or fear is because we do not understand it and comprehend the part it plays in human evolution. But the moment our ignorance gives way to comprehension, such fear usually vanishes and a more peaceful attitude of acceptance takes its place. Humanity has now come to the point where it must break through the “thought barrier” if it is to continue on to an enlightened age of peace and true brotherhood.

Why do we have enemies from whose words or acts we suffer? Because in our limited physical consciousness we do not perceive the unity of all life and realize that our wrong thinking acts like a boomerang that returns to us bringing the results we need to experience for our own soul growth. The only way most people learn is through interaction with others, and sometimes through painful interaction, because that is the only way the information can get through.

On a personal level, others will mirror back to you exactly what you have sent out and will continue to do so until you cease to think negatively. This naturally is called the mirror effect and it will dance around you like a shadow until you realize the effects your thinking processes are having, not only in your own life, but in the lives of others also. This will continue for you until the time when the causes you have already generated are fully exhausted. When spiritual illumination comes, and you no longer stumble in the night of ignorance, the last enemy will disappear and you will no longer be required to incarnate upon the earth plane.

We can be free of all such barriers when we are released from the confines of the physical body during sleep. Many wake up to find themselves out of body and in a different sphere or realm where there is only peace and harmony. Mostly this is forgotten by morning and the person goes on to face another day, but having an unconscious knowing that there is something better somewhere else. We do not have to wait to pass over to experience heaven. Heaven and hell are created right here on the earth plane. It is our choice which one we want to experience.

It is our ignorance that makes poverty and disease able to manifest in our lives because we do not comprehend their meaning or their lessons, nor do we know the correct attitude to assume toward them. If we did, there would not be any poverty or disease on our planet, and we know that this is not the case. Yes, a minority of people are certainly learning the lesson in how to bring about the balance, and walk the middle way.

And so it is with all forms of suffering we experience. They are at once reactions from our ignorant blunderings and instructors that point out the better way. When we have comprehended the lessons they teach they will be no longer necessary and disappear because by then we will have understood why they were essential factors in our evolution. It is not by the outward acquirement of facts that men become wise and great. It is by tapping in to the soul from within until it illuminates the brain centres with a downpouring of that flood of light called brilliance.

When we have reached that point in our evolution, then we will turn from our interest in mastering matter to the instinctive knowledge of a spiritual universe composed of myriad realms, planes and sub-planes and perhaps when a loved one passes through the veil, we may even be permitted to go with them a certain distance. This is happening even now.

Each soul that moves out of the shadows and into the light, out of ignorance into knowledge and out of superstition into truth is helping to dissipate the fog of darkness into which humanity has fallen. The darkness is greatest just before the dawn, but the more people invoke the light, the quicker the energies of the new age will be ushered in. The planet is experiencing the birth pangs of a new age, and like a woman travailing in labour, all the pain will be forgotten when the new age bursts forth and the Christ consciousness is born anew in each one. The chosen ones are those who choose to be chosen.